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Regular police drill held at Spolana site


On Thursday, 24 October 2024, anti-riot units of the Police of the Czech Republic held an emergency drill at the non-production part of Neratovice-based Spolana. This year, the police exercise focused on verifying the procedures in place for various types of police actions. The drill was attended nearly by 300 police officers from Central Bohemian units. Police exercises are repeatedly held in the non-production part of the Spolana site.

“We allow the Police of the Czech Republic to organise their exercise on our premises repeatedly. We also hold our own emergency drills to check our emergency plans and train the response of rescue units and crisis staff activities,” says Piotr Kearney, Spolana’s executive director.

The vast Spolana site in Neratovice houses not only the production of chemical substances and fertilisers but also the manufacturing premises of other companies. About one-third of the site remains unused. It is namely in this part with old buildings where the Police of the Czech Republic hold exercises.

“The unused premises of the site’s unused space provide the police forces with an ideal environment for training in various situations. The exercise was attended by 300 people, including helpers, including 170 police officers from the riot unit of the Regional Police Directorate of the Central Bohemian Region and 70 police officers from the Prague riot unit. The theme of this year's exercise was the intervention against an inadaptable group of people and the interaction of individual units, including hippology. We would like to thank the management of Spolana for allowing us to carry out such a large-scale exercise on their premises,” says Police Commissioner Barbora Schneeweissová from the Central Bohemian Police Directorate.


Contact details: Pavel Kaidl, spokesperson, telephone: +420 225 001 407, +420 736 502 520, email: pavel.kaidl@orlenunipetrol.cz​

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