As a leader in the petrochemical and refining industry and a significant employer in the Czech Republic, we endeavour to raise awareness among the public of the importance of chemistry in everyday life. We try to increase the interest shown by the young generation in studying chemistry, and we support students and schools in their study and education efforts. Over five thousand students visited Unipetrol Group production premises in the 2018/2019 academic year, and almost 100 students enjoyed work experience or a paid temporary job. 111 secondary-school and university students received scholarships in support of their studies. In total, Unipetrol distributed almost eight million koruna from its foundation among students and schools in the past academic year.
We also popularise chemistry among the pupils at primary schools.
Spolana organises the chemistry competition Challenge for the Chemist, which is intended for pupils attending the 8th and 9th grades of primary school. We have staged the competition at the Neratovice branch of Spolana for three years now. An average of 85 students from 11 and more primary schools in the Central Bohemia region take part every year.
The EDUbusproject, which activates the interest of pupils in chemistry using unconventional methods in a specially-adapted mobile laboratory, allowed the Unipetrol Foundation to address 3,200 pupils. The Fabulous Day with Chemistry show was seen by 4,200 pupils.
We support secondary schools and the pupils that attend them.
We also provide support to vocational secondary schools in the regions in which we are active. The company is a partner to the Secondary School of Chemistry in Prague 1
and a long-time partner to the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague.
The primary objective of long-term cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague is to popularise chemistry among young people and to help the university in its education activities. Pupils at secondary schools are also given financial rewards for the best presentations every year as part of the Student Science Conference.
There is no need for chemistry to be a boring subject. This is something which the pupils at primary and secondary schools can learn for themselves. Join us and follow us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/zazijchemii, where you can enter competitions to win attractive prizes, learn about new events and watch videos.